New stuff, future stuff and things that need work.

New Stuff!

6/28/2023 - Added this page so folks can see the past, present and future of this site. Please note that this won't be comphrensive, I won't point out that I fixed misspellings or small stuff like that y'know?
6/26/2023 - Did a redo of the index page, added new Firmis drawing and logo. adjusted some old pages by adding art or rewriting certain parts like the Art & FAQ pages. Replaced the Characters page link on the index page with new page Worlds as I felt it was a better transition, now you can select characters from worlds.

Future stuff

There's a lot of neat art assets I'd like to make for this site but I am currently preparing for an art related event so I don't know if I'll be able to split my time evenly. Planned art assets so far...

Other than the art I need to really fix the characters page, I'm probably not going to be able to code the pages I'd like but something nice and simple is a good goal. Probably a simple halfbody drawing with a textbox underneath displaying info about the character... Easier said than done my brain is built for remembering really specific SpongeBob facts and not html apparently.

That's it I guess